Type Field:


Samples (Type is in red): %1<%6.3f(E1-10)>



Type is the only required field. This must appear last ; after all the other optional formatting fields. The type character determines whether the associated argument is interpreted as a character, string, or number. For those familiar with printf / wprintf, not all types are supported by Search and Replace.

See Type Field for more information and choices.

The most common choices are:




Signed decimal integer.


Signed decimal integer.


Signed "floating point" number such as 32.00000 or -8.000000. If precision is not specified, 6 decimal places are output. You should always use f if your search returns decimal number strings. Also, f must be used when your search returns number strings over 10 numbers in length.

c or C

Outputs the ASCII character corresponding to the number found by the search term.